Listening for a Vigilant and Vulnerable Church
What happens to me, to us and our Church when we attentively listen? CAPS Director, Vincent Manning gave a presentation on listening to PLWH to twenty scholars, clergy and practitioners, from across the UK, Ireland and the US. Other topics included listening to survivors of sexual abuse, women, young adults and transgender persons. The symposium was the first such event of the Centre for Ecclesial Ethics at the Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge. In view of the ongoing Synodal Process within the Roman Catholic Church the aim was to reflect upon the ecclesiological and ethical implications of attentive listening for a vigilant and vulnerable Church.
CAPS contributes to the Fast Track Cities London Programme
CAPS members have contributed to the Fast Track Cities (FTC) London program. The FTC aims to end new HIV infections, stop preventable HIV deaths and eliminate the discrimination and stigma associated with HIV by 2030. As part of the Community Advisory Group (CAG) CAPS members contributed to this ambitious project involving partners in Local Government, Public Health, NHS and voluntary sectors. CAPS argued for the value of Peer Support in order to reach PLWH who are excluded, empower PLWH and overcome internalised stigma. CAPS argued that for many PLWH Faith and religion is an important cultural factor that must be considered and addressed sensitively if the FTC targets are to be achieved.
CAPS PRESENTS at the National Gathering of HIV and Sexual Health Experts and Practitioners: “It’s all about Relationships”
CAPS Pastoral Support Worker Abigail Chakanyuka was invited to speak at this year’s British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) Conference. Doctors, Nurses and practitioners from across the country gathered in Sheffield for this annual conference. In her presentation Abigail spoke about CAPS’ person-centred approach to the work of pastoral care for PLWH. She described that increasingly, PLWH who need support to get through a crisis, often in very complex situations, come to us for help. Abigail said “We accompany each person according to their need. For some that means a listening ear, others require much more intensive time and attention to navigate this or that particular problem. In these cases, we work flexibly with them to access the more expert advice or service that they need. We don’t abandon them” CAPS approach is always to assist a person just as little or as much as they need. “it’s all about the relationships we build” said Abigail, “Relationships that are empowering”.
CANDI Network Launch
CAPS Trustee Tyrone Allee attended the launch of the Candi Network. The service provided by Camden & Islington intends to provide a range of support services for PLWH in North London.
World AIDS Conference 2022
CAPS Trustee Tyrone Allee represented CAPS & our Positive Faith ministry at the International AIDS Conference and the Interfaith HIV AIDS Conference in Montreal Canada in the summer.